The IB Diploma Programme is recognized around the world as a rigorous and efficacious college and university preparation program. Students graduate from Qatar Academy ready to face the demands of university life in terms of academic preparedness, but also in terms of how well they know themselves and their learning styles.
The Qatar Academy Doha IB program's strength, and what sets it apart from other pre-college and university programs, is its comprehensive curriculum. Students are required to study English, a second language (Arabic, French or Spanish), math, science, humanities and an elective subject of their choice. Electives can include visual arts, theater and music or a second science or humanities subject. Students are also required to write a 4,000-word research paper on a subject of their choice, an area in which Qatar Academy students excel.
This record of academic excellence is also evident in the final results of the IB Diploma examinations. QAD students consistently perform at a standard above the world average and have gained entry to Ivy League universities in the US, Russell Group universities in the UK, Education City universities in Qatar and the most prestigious universities in Canada and Australia.
IB Diploma teachers at Qatar Academy Doha cooperatively plan and assess students’ work to ensure that learning opportunities and grading are consistent and accurate. Teamwork is at the heart of what we do and as a team we help produce caring, motivated young people who are equipped to take up leadership positions locally and around the world.
Curriculum Documents
Qatar Academy Doha uses a curriculum which has been specially developed to meet international standards and the needs of our students. The content of this curriculum is taught and assessed using pedagogies supported by the International Baccalaureate programs. At Qatar Academy Doha , the two years of the IB Diploma are taken in Grades 11 and 12. Each student is required to take six academic subjects, and in addition must follow a two-year course in Theory of Knowledge, write an Extended Essay and participate in the CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) programme.
Language and literature
Language A: literature SL/HL
Language A: language and literature SL/HL
Language acquisition
Language B SL/HL
Language ab initio SL
Individuals and societies
Business management SL/HL
Economics SL/HL
Geography SL/HL
History SL/HL
Information technology in a global society SL/HL
All of the above IB documents are available at
Diploma Handbook
The IB Middle years Programme (MYP) at Qatar Academy Doha has been carefully planned to ensure that our students become caring, knowledgeable, open-minded, balanced, principled, and reflective young adults. We teach our young people to think critically, inquire into important issues, communicate well in at least two languages, and take calculated risks.
With access to over 60 community service, athletic, and academic after-school activities and several opportunities to travel the world in the Week Without Walls program, students are challenged well beyond the curriculum of an ordinary school. The student e-portfolios and student-led conference structure ensures that the focus is consistently on learning and growing while acquiring the grades and skills necessary to reach the IB Diploma Programme and attend the world’s most elite colleges and universities. In addition to eight required subject groups (Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Science, Physical Health Education, Mathematics, Arts and Design). Islamic and Arabic Cultural Studies classes are required, ensuring that knowledge of the local culture is attained by all students.
MYP teachers at Qatar Academy Doha cooperatively plan and assess students’ work to ensure that learning opportunities and grading are consistent and accurate. The moderation process in grade 10 also ensures that a 7 at Qatar Academy is equivalent to a 7 anywhere in the IB world. With a number of teachers involved in larger IB initiatives, Qatar Academy Doha MYP has been hailed as the leading program in the region and one that other schools aspire to replicate.
Curriculum Documents
Qatar Academy Doha uses a curriculum which has been specially developed to meet international standards and the needs of our students. The content of this curriculum is taught and assessed using pedagogies supported by the International Baccalaureate programs.
Qatar Academy Student Services teams work to foster and increase interpersonal competencies and sustain scholastic achievement. Qatar Academy sees students as well-rounded individuals and as such provides services that focus on social and emotional development and health related issues, as well as providing support in areas of academic learning.
The Counseling team of Student Services helps to facilitate International Baccalaureate (IB) PYP and MYP attitudes and social and emotional competencies through skill building activities that are taught to whole classes, small groups or individuals. Parenting workshops or Coffee and Chat sessions are offered over the year where Counselors are available to meet with parents concerning their child's progress and/or emotional development. Counselors have a highly visible presence around Qatar Academy and practice an ‘open door policy’ where they are readily available to meet with students on a one-to-one basis. As students enter the Diploma Program, in Grades 11-12, counseling services continue to be an integral part of scholastic success. During these critical years Counselors work closely with each individual student to ensure college readiness and to help guide all students through the university application process. Qatar Academy has a nearly 100% college matriculation rate and past records show our graduates have entered universities on five different continents.
The Learning Support team of Student Services provides support for students that complement the classroom program. A multi-disciplinary approach is utilized to provide specialized learning support to students and parents. This student support may occur, for example, when students experience problems with their learning or when they need to be academically challenged to reach their full potential. In addition specialized teaching and learning support is provided to teachers. Members of the Learning Support team are specialist teachers who come from a range of fields such as Early Childhood Development, English Acquisition, Mathematics Acquisition, and Differentiation.
Qatar Academy Student Services also includes our School Nurses whose main role is to support students and families regarding health issues. Both Primary and Senior campuses have Family Affairs Coordinators who work to promote and foster a positive relationship between Qatar Academy and its Qatari families.
Qatar Academy Student Services include such programs as:
- Anti-bullying campaign
- Personal/individual counseling
- Crisis Intervention – when and as required
- Psycho-educational assessment
- Speech and language specialist service
- New student orientation
- Academic counseling
- Career pathways workshop/counseling
- Peer Helper and Student Ambassador Programs
- College Guidance Workshops
- University Tours and Fairs